
Monday 12 January 2009

Our morning

Stef, you asked about our morning, well here it is:

Isobel wakes up sometime between five and six am - I try and ignore her until six (I never thought I would say six is a reasonable time to get up, but compared to five...)

We then have a snuggle and a bottle in my bed. When the bottle is done and I have had enough of been climbed on and having my hair pulled, I put Isobel back in her cot to play. I then lie in my bed with my eyes shut listening to her and pretending that this counts as a lie-in.

By seven Isobel is normally bored of being in her cot and I give up pretending so we go to the bathroom where Isobel empties all the panty liners, tampons etc out of the drawers while I have my shower.

We brush our teeth, Isobel balancing on my hip looking in the mirror. She gets most annoyed if I attempt to brush my teeth with her.

Then she plays on my bedroom floor while I dress. Then downstairs for breakfast by eight.

While Isobel pulls her toast to pieces I empty the dishwasher and make a cup of tea. Then I help Isobel with her weetabix or rice crispies. Rice crispies can take a while if Isobel is in a buddhist frame of mind and is eating them one-by-one. Once I have sandblasted the weetabix from her face and while she finishes destroying her toast, I hang up the washing.

Nap at eight thirty, often both of us!, up again somewhere between nine thirty and ten and out the door to the coffee shop for my caffeine and breakfast hit.

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