You have now existed independently far longer than you filled my tummy and this last month has been marked by your independence growing in yet more ways. Your games are more sophisticated, your dexterity is amazing: you can now post the letters through the narrow slot in the letter box; not just spring the pegs from their holders but pop them in too and you are beginning to build the towers rather them simply knock them down.
The fascination for boxes continues but now it is putting things in and taking them out rather than just sitting in them.
In the last couple of weeks you have spent more time on your feet and like to play kneeling rather than lying down; you track toys down rather than being handed them.
And I love the way you come looking for me, I've never had a more lovable pursuant or such a beautiful shadow.
With this independence has come opnion: you certainly know what you want (iphone, remote control...) and, more voiciferously, what you DON'T want (plastic toy meant to look like mobile or remote control...) and OMG can you whine!
So 2008 is over and, hopefully, 2009 is going to be OUR year. Giving birth to you was the best thing that could ever have happened to me and for that reason alone 2008 will always be special, even if everything else fell apart, but here's to 2009. x
How smug can you get?
Very, if I really tried.
You don't have to try.
I suggest you operate the cross in the top right hand corner of your screen.
How horrid to be nasty to someone who is enjoying their first baby, and in extremely adverse conditions. Thank goodness,Zoe, you have this litle light in your life. Another very wise saying: "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
Ach you must be OK, you like The Bees, Ventnor's finest.
Goodbye and good luck.
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