
Sunday 6 January 2008

The Gooseberry Bush

I promised myself that I would think about labour ‘next year’ (lets face it, it’s going to happen whether I think about it or not). Well, next year is finally upon us and I suppose I can’t put it off any longer.

So far ‘this year’ I have listened to my visualisation CD once (I only fell asleep for a couple of minutes, I have been assured it still goes in) and, more importantly, we took the grand tour at the hospital and I nearly cried.

It wasn’t nasty, it wasn’t scary, and in fact it all seemed better than I expected, but it was all very real. In around 8 weeks that is where we will go to have our baby; with birthing pools (hopefully), bouncing balls and gas and air, that is where we will finally meet our little girl.

So far our birth plan consists of:
Get to hospital
Ask for Water birth (big room and the only birthing pool)
Book private room – there are only 3
No pethadine, only because I believe it just makes you slightly stoned and also passes to the baby (perhaps RD will have my share!).
Otherwise I've ruled nothing out, yet.

Okay, so I am only just beginning to think about this, but as we start NCT classes on Friday, and then maybe, just maybe, I’ll start thinking about it a little bit more.

I have spent the whole weekend smiling with excitement and now I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. Are you sure I can't just fnd my baby under a Gooseberry bush?

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