
Friday 18 February 2011

Disney me up

As I mentioned in this previous post, we were invited to by Disney to go see Tangled and we loved it.

Well, what we saw of it. Little girl found her first cinematic experience a little too much and we left early.

But we saw enough for Little Girl too decide that she would be Repunzel when she grows up.

And as we left early we were sent some lovely goodies:

This is much loved, a love demonstrated by the dragging everywhere by her hair. I can only say I am glad I am not loved that much.

And thanks to these stickers we no longer have magic tangle spray but Tangled spray.

I will be looking forward to seeing the end of the film one day, but until then we live a little bit of it everyday. Thank you Disney, this movie was a return to what you do best.

Yep, I guess this is a sponsored post but the gratitude is mine.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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