
Monday 28 March 2011

Stranger Danger

Little girl and I had a falling out on Sunday.

She cried at the checkout in Waitrose...

She carried on crying in the street...

I tucked her under my arm, and unsurprisingly, she cried and kicked there.

She continued crying in the car...

She cried all the way home.

She cried in the hallway.

She took the car keys and facing the door she hid behind the door curtain, crying.

I ignored her.

Then I tackled her, gave her milk and a cuddle that forced her to breathe again.

My crime? My evil mummy dede?

I wouldn't let her stand and wait for me OUTSIDE the shop.

(is it coincidence that I had just picked her up from PD's?)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Metropolitan Mum said...

Oooh, sounds very familiar. VERY familiar!
PS: PD? What's PD?