
Thursday 2 October 2008

So, where was I

Oh yes, being a Mum.

When Isobel isn't with me, when she is at school nursery it's still odd to think I'm a mummy; when Isobel is with me it's difficult to think she ever wasn't. One day I'll get used to it.

It's quite funny, Isobel is such a little person now that it is hard to remember her being a tiny baby who simply feeds, sleeps and looks pretty - not neccessarily in that order.

Now she is a little girl who figures things out and bangs things together, doesn't need to crawl because she has rolling down to a fine art; and can hold herself up with one hand.

In the mean time Isobel's new love of pillows (the picture I haven't managed to take - she sees the camera and poses!) has taught me what being a mum is about: kisses and approval. She rolls on the pillow, clearly giving it love and then she rolls back to check I'm still there and to collect a kiss.

As I've said before, being a Mum isn't really that tough.

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