Hello Blog,
You may not remember me, but I am the Surprise Mum in your title.
I am the mum that loved you, that loved expressing myself on your ever waiting pages. I used you to celebrate the triumphs of motherhood, to dispel myths and more than occasionally to weep into.
Where have I been lately? The answer is no where. You became a ‘should’ a source of shame if I looked at stats and yet another stick to beat myself with. So, I stopped sharing my daily joys with you. Silly, right?
So what have you missed?
Me tweeting things like this:
Zoe (@Surprisedzoe)
19/01/2012 08:15
I was banished from little girls boudoir this morning. Her style is all her own pic.twitter.com/fUgwm2LL
Morning conversations with my nearly four year old – oh yes she is nearly four now, how time flies. Morning conversations that go something like this:
LG (little girl): Mummy, is the
LG: Mummy is it summer now Christmas has gone?
The fact the little girl seems to have become somewhat used to breakfast in bed, my bed. Yep I love her enough to allow both crumbs and jam.
Me signing up to internet dating that failing miserably to answer any messages I get sent. My prince will come, but probably not riding on an email.
Am I back blogging again? Honest answer I don’t know. This blog was once a joy and a massive source of pride and opportunity but I’m not sure where I am with it at the mo. I have so many things I need to be writing, not just blog posts, that I never seem to write anything. I may have even stopped writing blogposts in my head.
Anyway, we shall see. Time will tell. Time is a great healer …..
So watch this space.
PS. We haven’t got the cat yet but little girl seems convinced we are getting a ‘hungry cat’.
PPS. No loft conversion appeared in my stocking
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