
Wednesday 30 July 2008

We can't take the pace of this rock and roll lifestyle.

Last night the cot-o-batics reached an all time high (or is that low).

I'd had a lovely quiet evening pottering about, watched a bit of telly from nine, went to bed at ten and happily finished off 'My Booky Wook' at about eleven.

Isobel, nearly always stirs around ten, has a fidget (or a rustle if heard through the monitor) and after about ten minutes of earnest thumb sucking is back asleep. Last night, true to form she stirred at about half past, after some rustling I thought, considering the lunchtime antics, I had better check where she was - all was fine.

More rustling...

Even more thumb sucking....

00:08 still thumb sucking....

So, I popped in.

Yep, she was on her tummy, earnestly trying, and failing to get back to sleep. I always admire the fact Isobel tries to get herself to sleep long before she starts shouting.

I turned her over, thought about it and thought perhaps the time for jiggling had come, just for expediency - I wanted to go to sleep!

I rocked for a while (see what I did with the tittle of the post yet?!), finally she looked sleepy again.

More thumb sucking....


Needless to say we are both a little weary this morning, and I'm a little confused; what I really don't understand at all, is that when she first rolled it was from front to back. Front to back is apparently the easiest, so why didn't she just roll back last night? But what I am begining to understand is why people have monitors where they can SEE what baby is up to!


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