
Friday 29 August 2008

There comes a time in every mother's life...

when it's time to buy a Maclaren.

Yes, no matter how much you love your pram, how comfortable your princess is being conveyed in her flowery pram, there is a time for a cheap light weight option that wipes clean and folds up small.

For the Bugaboo classes this often occurs when they discover the bag to keep their buggy safe in an aircraft hold costs more than a Maclaren.

For us it was the realisation that at nursery our precious perambulator will be shoved put in a low shed amongst the muddy wheels of everybody elses, if it fits that is; that nursery may not love our flower-power-mobile as much as we do.

(Picture taken with my phone on this mornings trip to Waitrose, who knew supermarkets could be such fun)

So, my next question is do I go for the red and black sport or the deco?

(Don't you worry, Isobel and I will NOT be abandoning the flowers, it's just she'll have a different buggy for school.)


MrsGlenny said...

Love the Quest Mod one, especially in brown and pink!

We've just got a Quinny Zapp in shocking pink for our hols, mainly because it folds small enough for hand luggage (allegedly!)

Must admit I fancy a Mclaren though, but holding fire for a while as still hoping it will be a phil & teds double I need next ;-)))

Unknown said...

I bought the black and scarlet sport!

Erica-May said...

Was going to reply with a preference but you've already up and bought one! Super quick retail therapy there, mum! Very practical too. Def going to acquire a maclaren for holidays...
